Sunday, November 07, 2010

We Have A Winner!

Joan C. - 64 pts.
John B - 54 pts.
Nora (South) - 52 pts.
Chris - 51 pts.
Dan - 50 pts.
HT - 49 pts.
Conard - 47 pts.
Kara - 38 pts.
Nora (North) - 36 pts.
Greenpeace - 33 pts.
Mel - 26 pts.

*As always, add up your own points to be sure. I have been known to miscalculate more than once!


Kara said...

Congratulations, Joan!

Nora said...

To Nora and The Horse Circle folks -

I'm a bit surprised, but I confess that I really worked the charts for this - when you can't get the form, you settle for the Daily News and the NY Post and the News really still covers racing all around us.

It worked!

Thanks to Nora (South) who is always there for us and also to those who participated. It is interesting for me to see on TV so many people who I knew years ago when I was active in the 'Business' Nick Zito for instance - he's still the same guy:)

Churchill Downs, newly renovated and painted looks wonderful - such memories.


Melanie said...

I'm thinking Joan C. has a better handicapping strategy than mine.... :)