Pick three horses in any order. Five points for first, three for second, one for third. Please pick by name not number to avoid confusion on my part.
1. My Jen
2. Sara Louise
3. Secret Gypsy
4. Informed Decision
5. Evening Jewel
6. Moontune Missy
7. Gabby's Golden Gal
8. Sweet August Moon
9. Switch
10. Rinterval
11. Jessica Is Back
12. Dubai Majesty
13. Rightly So
14. Champagne D'Oro
AE: Tidal Pool
AE: First Passage
Informed Decision
Evening Jewel
Informed decision
Dubai Majesty
Rightly So
John Baldwin picks:
Jessica Is Back
Champagne D'Oro
Evening Jewel
Dubai Majesty
Joan C picks
Informed Decision
Dubai Majesty
Champagne D'Oro
Evening Jewel
Moontune Missy
Gabby'd Golden Gal
scratch: Rightly So
Nora from the North
Sweet August Moon
Rightly So
Evening Jewel
Rightly So
Champagne D'Oro
My Jen
scratch:Informed Decision
Secret Gypsy
Champagne D'Oro
Evening Jewel
informed decision, secret gypsy,rightly so
Evening Jewel
Secret Gypsy
Secret Gypsy
Champagne D'Oro
Informed Decision
I'll take Gabby's Golden Gal to replace Rightly So
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