Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Grey Goose Breeder's Cup Juvenile Fillies

Pick three horses in any order. Five points for first, three for second, one for third. Please pick by name not number to avoid confusion on my part.

1. Indian Gracey -SCRATCHED
2. Theyskens' Theory
3. R Heat Lightning
4. Awsome Feather
5. Harlan's Ruby
6. Joyful Victory
7. Izshelegal
8. A Z Warrior
9. Delightful Mary
10. Believe In AP
11. Soundwave
12. Tell A Kelly
13. Jordy Y


Nora said...

Indian Gracey
R Heat Lightning
Tell A Kelly

Conard said...

Awesome feather
Delightful Mary
Tell A Kelly

Nora said...

John Baldwin picks:
AZ Warrior
Believe In AP
R Heat Lightning

Awesome Feather

Nora said...

I'll take Awesome Feather to replace Indian Gracey

Nora said...

Joan C picks
Theysken's Theory
Delightful Mary
Tell A Kelly

Greenpeace said...

Awesome Feather
HArlans Ruby
Delightful Mary

Nora from the North said...

Nora from the North
Joyful Victory
Delightful Mary
Awesome Feather

Chris C. said...

Awesome Feather
AZ Warrior
R.Heat Lightning

scratch:Joyful Victory

Kara said...

Tell A Kelly
Believe in AP
Awesome Ruby

dan said...

a z warrior,r heat lightning,theyskens' theory

HT said...

Awesome Feather Believe in AP

Melanie said...

Joyful Victory